This collection highlights fundraising successes in our local P.E.O. chapters! Click on any of the titles below to go directly to The Record article and be inspired by the your P.E.O. sisters.

Article TitleDateDescription
The Stars of P.E.O. Chapter F, Hawaii, Raise $16,000 For P.E.O.Winter 2025Holiday bazaar, holiday crafts, jewelry, plants, baskets, note cards, bake sale, raffle, lunch, donations and prizes - all in one event? Yes, and that adds up to big success for a local chapter, each year. Get inspired by reading this article.
Chapter AF Makes a Bid for Auction AwesomenessWinter 2025Unique auction items helps one chapter achieve fundraising success while creating opportunities for small group outings. Get inspired by this fundraiser that blends fun, connection and profitability into one event.
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - White House Ornament FundraiserFall 2024A long-standing White House Ornament fundraiser continues to provide one chapter with essential funds to support P.E.O.'s mission. Discover how this timeless tradition fuels their efforts.
Opening Doors and Opportunities at Oktoberfest Celebration Fall 2024Discover how chapter DS/CA reimagined fundraising success with a vibrant Oktoberfest celebration. This unique event brought the community together, raised significant funds and attracted new members - perfect inspiration for chapters seeking impactful and enjoyable fundraising ideas.
TAKE ME OUT to the BallgameSummer 2024Multiple chapters within one reciprocity group found success working concession stands and prompting P.E.O., achieving monetary, community and sisterhood growth.
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - GQ Table Talk Salad Luncheon Raises $2,770 for P.E.O. ProjectsSummer 2024A successful festival of tables and luncheon drew 150 women and raised nearly $3000 for one local chapter. Read on to be inspired by this unique fundraising event.
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - Trivia Night FundraiserSummer 2024A successful trivia night with silent auction drew more than 100 people and raised nearly $5000 for one local chapter. Read on to be inspired by this fun fundraising event.
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - Kansas City Chapter Celebrate Hometown Team, Raises Fund for ProjectsSpring 2024A chapter's creative fundraising effort brought in early $7,000 with the sale of a locally made product. Read on to discover their success and get inspired to explore similar opportunities in your own hometown.
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - Fundraising grows Through Geranium SalesSpring 2024Discover how one chapter transitioned from member-only fundraising to community-based giving. It came in the form of geraniums and a missing service in their hometown.
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - Art in the Garden EventWinter 2024A P.E.O. sister's generosity painted the path to a successful silent auction. Discover how her artwork brought life to the chapter's fundraising efforts, the inspiring story of the artist herself and the heartfelt circle of giving and receiving that connects us all.
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - 10 Years of SuccessWinter 2024A food tasting fundraiser has led to 10 years of chapter success supporting projects, sharing about P.E.O. and fostering connection among chapter members.
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - Ole! Tradition Turned FundraiserNov/Dec 2023A chapter transformed a beloved tradition into a successful fundraiser. Discover how their Cinco de Mayo effort brings laughter, storytelling and chapter vitality.
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - Puzzlepalooza!Nov/Dec 2023Puzzles, limited time, baked goods and a wine pull are offered in this chapter's first Puzzlepalooza. The result? $3000 raised for the P.E.O. projects and the launch of an successful annual fundraiser for one chapter.
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - Yard, Bake & Plant SaleNov/Dec 2023Looking to take your yard, rummage or garage sale to the next level? This article highlights one chapter's effort to do just that by adding a bake and plant sale. The result? A successful fundraiser and a great opportunity to promote P.E.O.
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - P.E.O. Shoe-In FundraiserSept/Oct 2023A chapter turned counting shoes into a meaningful fundraiser, sharing stories about special pairs along the way. The result? $2,332 for 933 pairs of shoes - and plenty of sisterly warmth.
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - P.E.O. Pickleball PartySept/Oct 2023Which is easier? To say, P.E.O. pickleball party pays into P.E.O Projects, three times fast or to play pickleball with P.E.O.s and potential members? One chapter in GA finds it pays to play with $600 going to the projects. Learn more and be inspired to host your own tournament.
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - Fundraising by the PoundSummer 2023One chapter turned their social event at a winery into an annual fundraiser, picking grapes. According to the grapevine, wineries everywhere are a very fruitful place for local chapter members to earn money for the P.E.O. projects.
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - Petticoats, Primers and P.E.O.Summer 2023This article might inspire you to explore your community's annual or milestone celebrations as opportunities for successful fundraising.
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - A Quarter Auction CelebratedSummer 2023One chapter's Quarter Auction event brings community and P.E.O. together for a successful fundraiser.
Retrospective Art Show and P.E.O. FundraiserJan/Feb 2023A chapter honored the memory of a longtime sister by selling her collection of paintings to raise funds for establishing a fund in the P.E.O. Foundation. Two recipients were presented with their project awards at the event.
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - Mah-jongg Tournament Put the Fun in FundraiserJan/Feb 2023One chapter's mah-jongg event sells out quickly, drawing 84 players to the event. Lunch, door prizes, a raffle and of course game paly ensured a successful fundraiser.
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - Fun, Farkling with FriendsNov/Dec 2022Which is easier? To say, fun farkling with friends, three times fast or to play Farkle with P.E.O.s, family, friends and potential members? One chapter in North Carolina finds it pays to play with $5,800 raised. Learn more and be inspired to host your own tournament.
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - Broom Fundraiser a Sweeping SuccessSep/Oct 2022Are you looking for a sweeping change to your chapter fundraiser? This article provides inspiration for successfully selling brooms. Not convinced? Read on to see who just might purchase your brooms.
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - Paso Robles Chapter Shares New STARD CARD FundraiserJul/Aug 2022By modernizing its fundraising efforts. One chapter grew in knowledge and educated the community about its projects and membership opportunities. The STAR CARD initiative, which raised $18,000 in its first year, has since becomes a successful annual tradition.
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - Way Above ParMar/Apr 2022Considering a golf tournament as your chapter's fundraiser, but not sure where to begin? This article provides tips from one chapter's successful event. Their goal of $10,000 was surpassed - they raised a total of $23,500!
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - Jan/Feb 2022Chapters in one Reciprocity Group join forces working a community event. The successful effort raised $4,500, provided opportunities to educate women about the P.E.O. philanthropies and was fun way for sisters to get to know each other better.
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - Yard Signs Honor Golden GirlsNov/Dec 2021Yard signs honor Golden Girls while raising funds for one chapter's treasury. This article might inspire your chapter to create yard signs to sell to other chapters in your area.
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - Virtual Talent Table FundraiserMar/Apr 2021Looking to transition your in-person fundraising efforts to an online catalog? This article offers inspiration and tips for using fee online software to create a successful fundraiser.
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - You Are a Star FUNdraiserJan/Feb 2021Lawn decorations honor chapter members while raising funds for the treasury. This article might inspire your chapter to enhance your sisters' landscaping and generate $1,000 or more for the P.E.O. projects.
Award Winning Ideas/Success Stories - Viability Through VisibilityJan/Feb 2020Learn how one chapter successfully raised funds at their local farmers market. Not only did P.E.O. projects benefit from the money earned, but the chapter also spread the word out about P.E.O. and its philanthropies.
What I’ve Learned from Our B&B Guests & HostsSep/Oct 2015One chapter is inspired by another chapter's silent auction and decides to give it a try of - read about their success in raising $4,500 for P.E.O. projects.
Organizing Our Art Auction FundraiserMar/Apr 2014One chapter is inspired by another chapter's silent auction and decides to give it a try of - read about their success in raising $4,500 for P.E.O. projects.

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Fundraising, Fundraising Success Stories




January 2025

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