You Add to P.E.O. is a fun initiative within the P.E.O. Sisterhood where chapters are challenged to add two or more active members by February 28, 2025. Chapters that meet this initiative are eligible for special recognition, including being featured on the P.E.O. website.

Chapter GW, Pekin, Illinois, was selected for February! As of February 3, the chapter had added 2 new members since the beginning of the initiative. Read below to learn more about the chapter.

What does your chapter do for fun?
Our sisters participate in several small groups each month – book club, lunch group and movie group. In addition, socials are planned and could feature a craft project, coffee gathering or BIL social.

What has been your most successful fundraiser?
Each fall, our chapter sells mums provided at wholesale cost by a local nursery owned by the uncle of one of our sisters. We enjoy supporting a local business and have fun delivering the mums to friends who support Chapter GW. The mums are beautiful and typically are delivered in late August or early September.

What is your best tip for finding new members? 
Share the gift of sisterhood with friends and family by giving your elevator speech about your chapter and what you enjoy about being a P.E.O. Invite prospective members to social events and small group activities so they can meet other members and learn more about being a P.E.O.